The Shepherds' Corner - Annual Conference Insights

Dave Burggraff

Recent Posts

Already? Not Yet? Let’s Get It Right: Discerning God’s Plan in Scripture

Aug 7, 2024 9:54:01 PM / by Dave Burggraff posted in City of God | City of Man

This year’s conference may be our most important conference yet. The title of this year’s conference is “City of God, City of Man,” which comes from Augustine’s extensive treatise The City of God, a lengthy work that explains how we live in two realms—heavenly and earthly. It was written in the early 5th century AD at a time when Christianity was being blamed for the decline of Rome and misrepresented by its pagan foes. (Not a lot has changed in 16+ centuries!)

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Navigating the Moral Maze: Is Misinformation Ever Permissible?

Sep 11, 2023 10:48:34 AM / by Dave Burggraff posted in Christian Ethics

Is it ever morally right to tell someone something that is not the truth? Is it ever right to give misinformation? These questions arise when considering the biblical commandments against lying and deception (Ps. 34:13119:163Prov 12:22Mk 7:22Eph 4:22Col 3:91 Pet 3:10), juxtaposed with certain instances where deceptive strategies were employed (Josh 8:26Ex 3:8181 Sam 16:2). To arrive at a conclusion that aligns with the entirety of Scripture, we must delve into the complexities of lying, deception, and dishonesty. In this brief article, we will explore various scenarios, biblical principles, and ethical considerations to shed light on the moral obligations we have in matters of communication.

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