Get access to the audio and video from previous Shepherds 360 Conferences below.

2024: City of God | City of Man
At this year's Shepherds 360 Conference we explored the theme, City of God | City of Man - Already? Not Yet? Let's Get it Right. General Sessions and Workshops focused on themes related to understanding the significance of Israel, the Church, God's Kingdom, and Culture, and Government in God's plans.
The 2024 conference speakers include: Craig Blaising, Darrell Bock, Mark Hitchcock, Michael Vlach, Stephen Davey, Bobby Scott, Peter Goeman, Cory Marsh, Erwin Lutzer and many more!

2023: Christian Ethics – Vol. 2
This year's theme is Christian Ethics – Vol. 2 . We return to this popular topic to address issues pastors and church leaders are facing in an increasingly secularized world. Speakers examine the biblical basis for Christians Ethics and offer insights for living and leading during times where the foundations of society are called into question.
The 2023 conference speakers include: Erwin Lutzer, Alex Strauch, Stephen Davey, Wayne Grudem, Jared Wilson, Nicolas Ellen, Michael Vlach, Gavin Peacock, and many more.

2022: Christian Ethics
This year's theme is Christian Ethics. Each day of our lives we face decisions about how we should live. We have to make choices. And when it comes to making choices, we have entered the realm of "ethics." As Christians, the challenge for us is that we are confronted by some of the most complex issues humankind has ever faced. At such a time as this, we need wisdom from God's Word.
The 2022 conference speakers include: Erwin Lutzer, Albert Mohler, Stephen Davey, Wayne Grudem, Jared Wilson, Nicolas Ellen, H. B. Charles Jr., Gavin Peacock, and many more.
2021: Differences
For this year’s Shepherds 360 Conference a bold, yet relevant theme was decided upon for our gathering in October. Why not talk about our differences? The idea is not for us to squabble over controversial issues or to give a platform to false teaching. Rather, we are taking an intentional look at the areas where fellow believers who hold to a high view of Scripture come to different conclusions with regard to biblical theology and practice.
As pastors and church leaders, we understand that Biblical interpretation matters. Therefore, we want to be careful to model application that is consistent with a sound Scriptural hermeneutic. Let’s consider how we might learn by interacting with various views on issues where Bible-believing Christians might disagree with one another.
The 2021 conference speakers include: Erwin Lutzer, Albert Mohler, Stephen Davey, Costi Hinn, Jared Wilson, Bruce Ware, H. B. Charles Jr., Owen Strachan, and many more.

2020: Vision
Our theme for this year is Vision...a biblical vision for life and ministry. The need for true, biblical vision is desperately needed more now than ever, as we witness the rise of political and cultural upheaval, widespread fear, and growing animosity and violence.
As our world continues in these patterns, what exactly is the church to be? Remarkably, God's call for the Christian and the church is to represent Christ by our quiet contentment, respectful attitudes, faithful work ethic and loving concern for others. These qualities will translate, like never before, into distinctive Christianity, as God's people pursue the ultimate goal of seeing the lost experience the salvation found in Christ.
The 2020 conference speakers include: Erwin Lutzer, Albert Mohler, Stephen Davey, Costi Hinn, Jared Wilson, Bruce Ware, Daniel Henderson, and many more.

2019: Communicating Truth
Communicating Truth is much more than a conference's our mandate. The Church––and the Church Leader––has been given a textually directed mandate to preach and teach and uphold the very Word of God (2 Timothy 4:1-2).
We're not just preaching about the Word of God––we're actually commanded to deliver the words of God. Words matter. The words are God-breathed. The words are life and breath to the individual Christian and the local church.
The 2019 conference speakers include: Erwin Lutzer, Albert Mohler, Stephen Davey, Costi Hinn, Jared Wilson, Bruce Ware, Heath Lambert, Alex Strauch, and many more.

2018: Doing Church
Doing Church, our theme for this year's conference, is intended to blow the dust off the Divine blueprints for the church...measuring what we do against the plumb line of Scripture. This is done with the help of practical workshops and uplifting general sessions where seasoned church leaders serve as architects, overseeing the master plan for the church.
The 2018 conference speakers and sessions include: H.B. Charles Jr., Rick Holland, Erwin Lutzer, Stephen Davey, Robert Smith Jr. and many more.

2017: 500 Years of Reformation
The Reformation truths matter today more than ever. In fact, every generation needs to learn and embrace the great doctrines of the Reformation, clearly delivered by God through His Word. They continue to serve as a foundation of the gospel and the confidence of our eternal future. We must prevent them from being plunged into darkness again.
The 2017 conference speakers and sessions include: Paul David Tripp, Al Mohler, Stephen Davey, Stephen Nichols, Erwin Lutzer, and many more.

2016: Ministering to the Family
The enemy of the gospel is at work. He wants to destroy the image of God and His male-female capstone of creation. He longs to tarnish and even outright destroy the glorious creation of God in human beings and will step over whatever gets in his way to get there, including the family as God created it. But God is still on the throne and He is still in complete control, and it is our distinct privilege to be His ambassadors.
The 2016 conference speakers and sessions include: Mark Bailey, Dan Forest, David Gibbs, Paul Newby, Andreas Kostenberger, Bruce Ware, Stephen Davey, Erwin Lutzer, and many more.

2015: The 21st Century Church
How can the church ensure that it is prepared for the challenges of the 21st century? This year features plenary sessions and workshops that expound the truth of God's Word in a way that enables us to clarify our mission as biblically true leaders. Our alignment with the plumb line of scripture is critically needed at this moment in church history.
The 2015 conference speakers and sessions include: Paul David Tripp, Erwin Lutzer, Bruce Ware, Darrell Bock, Wayne Grudem, Robert Smith Jr., David Gibbs III, and many more.

2014: Christ and (our changing) Culture
This is the inaugural Shepherds 360 conference, bringing together church leaders to explore what it means as pastors and church leaders to seriously and faithfully engage the culture.
The 2014 conference speakers and sessions include: Al Mohler, Erwin Lutzer, Stephen Davey, Gene Getz, Greg Gilbert, Rick Holland and Stephen Goodspeed.